[OS 3 Easy Pieces] The Abstraction: The Process


Process: The abstraction provided by the OS of a running program

The OS provides an illusion of unlimited CPUs by virtualization

Time Sharing is a basic technique used by an OS to share a resource. By allowing the resourece to be used for a little while by one entity, and then a little while by another, and so forth.

Process API

  • Create: create a new process.
  • Destroy: destroy process forcefully
  • Wait: wait for a process to stop running
  • Miscellaneous Control: some other types of control (i.e. suspend)
  • Status: Get status information

Process Creation

  1. Program initially resides on disk in some form of executable]
  2. OS load the program into memory (Modern OS does lazy loading, only load data/code when needed)
  3. Allocate memory for the program’s run-time stack
  4. Allocate memory for the program’s heap
  5. Other initialization tasks such as I/O setup
  6. Start the proogram running at the entry point main()

(In C, stack is used for local variables, function parameters, and return addresses. The heap is used for dynamically-allocated data (linked lists, hash tables, etc))

Process States

  • Scheduled: ready -> running
  • Descheduled: running -> ready
  • Blocked


  • The smallest sequence of progremmed instructions that can be managed independently by a scheduler
  • Has its own registers
  • Most programs are single threaded:

Parallel Computing

  • Run programs currently on one or more CPUs
  • Multi-threading (shared-memory)
  • Multi-processing (independent-memory)